Russian futurism : general bibliography

A small selection of books on Russian futurism. If you have other suggestions, you can email us at :
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In French

  • Bénédikt Livchits, L'Archer à un oeil et demi, Editions L'Age d'Homme, Lausanne, 1971. (still available through the editor)
  • Kornéi Tchoukovski, Les Futuristes, Editions L'Age d'Homme, Lausanne, 1976. (still available through the editor)
  • Jean-Claude Marcadé, Le Futurisme russe (1907-1917), Dessain & Tolra, Paris, 1989. ISBN 2-249-22851-5 (unavailable)
  • Agnès Sola, Le Futurisme russe, PUF, Paris, 1989. ISBN 2-13-042281-0 (available)
  • Claude Leclanche-Boulé, Vladimir Poliakov et Yves Bergeret, Zaoum : les livres futuristes russes,Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1995. (unavailable)
  • Manifestes futuristes russes, Editeurs Français réunis, Paris 1971. (unavailable)

In English

In German

  • Futurismus in Russland und David Burliuk, "Vater des russischen Futurismus", Wuppertal, 2000. (unavailable)

Some of these books are unvailable in general bookstores... Anyway, you should be able to find them in several online second-hand bookstores or through Amazon (just follow the link). You could find some russian books on eBay. I would firmly advise you to compare prices before buying the book you are so desperately looking for... sometimes it could be twice the normal price.

Among websites you could check :
for French books : (in French), usually expensive. (in English/French) (in French)

for English books :
Amazon, large selection of new and second-hand books (in English) (in English/French), large selection. (in English) (in English/German) (in English) book search and price comparison - some weird results sometimes. (in English) book search and price comparison - really useful if you have isbn.